Don't Be Shy, Prepare to Shine!

Block 29 – Twinkle Twinkle.   There have been quite a few star blocks in this quilt.  Today’s star is set to shine with the twinkle effect of the small triangles. 

If you dissect the block into 4 units, you can see that each of the units are exactly the same, just repeated and turned.  So, the assembly of the block is not as challenging as you might think. 

Mix up your colors, just be sure to have a good contrast for your small triangles for it to shine!

Find the pattern link and a sample block here.

Block 29 - Twinkle, Twinkle  


We are almost done, just one more block to make.  Wow, feeling a sense of accomplishment!  Soon you will be ready to shine with delight for your finished quilt. 

I’m sensing the need to stitch something – so off to my machine.  Happy Stitching!

Bluebird Janet